Tuesday, November 6, 2018
Holiday Giveaway
I know it is only the beginning of November but before we know it the holidays will be here. Thanksgiving will be here before we know it. All that delicious food. It also means, hey have you started your Christmas shopping? I started to do it a little. I always wait until the very last minute.
In the spirit of holiday cheer, I am doing a blog giveaway. This prize can be for you or maybe you want to give it to a friend.
Us ladies and moms deserve to take care of ourselves. In the midst of all the shopping and crazy lines and chaos in the stores, hold on to what is important. Family and friends and spending time together.
Giveaway details:
simple rafflecopter entry form. Choose 1 entry or do all. Open to 18+, US only.
Prize is a $25 Victoria's Secret e-gift card.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Winner has 48 hrs to respond to email. Prize will be sent via email.
Good Luck!
Monday, October 29, 2018
Simply Earth Essential Oil Box
Simply Earth has a wonderful essential oil recipe box. They give you everything you need to make oils for your home. I love how it comes with bottles and oils. This one box had wax to make an essential oil candle.
If you are interested in a box you can use my coupon code Barefootandlovingitfree
Are you interested in joining the squad? Sign up here.
What oil is your favorite? I like to try all of them. The energy one is probably something I should use. With 3 kids my energy always needs an extra boost.
Maybe you just want to try one oil at a time. That's okay too. They are available for single oil purchase on the Simply Earth website.
Overall, I think their boxes are a great way to start playing around with essential oils. Essential oils have so many helpful uses.
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Spread Love October And Shop Small
I joined up with a bunch of small business owners the other day to spread awareness for shopping small this month. Shopping small business doesn't have to be one day a month or one day a year. It can be supporting them by liking posts, sharing their creations with others. I love the way the community gets together to lift each other up. We are all trying to run a successful business and earn a living.
For the month of October use this hashtag for your social media posts. Christmas is coming up. Time for holiday gift shopping. Don't get me wrong, you will see me shopping at Target. But also see me buying on Etsy. There are so many amazing makers out there.
Instagram daydreamdecorations
Do you have a shop? Let me know in the comments. I would love to check your shop out.
Sunday, September 23, 2018
ERA Organics Night Time Routine Giveaway
I used ERA Organics on my little one about a year ago. She had really bad eczema and I wanted to try products that were natural. There are so many different products from ERA Organics. Good for all different skin types. It is always nice to find skin products that do not have chemicals in them. Natural ingredients are great to learn about too.
This information is brought to you by ERA Organics. All opinions are my own.
ERA Organics is celebrating the launch of their new Organic Face Toner Spray and they are giving away everything you need to for your nighttime skin routine! You can find it on Amazon for just $7.99 when you clip the $6 off coupon.

This Organic Face Toner Spray is extra nourishing and hydrating natural facial mist with witch hazel, apple cider vinegar, and rose water for dry, oily, acne prone skin. It can balance pH, nourish and moisturize your skin.
About Organic Face Toner Spray
- Robust natural and organic skin toner for face and neck. Properly balance your skin’s pH levels, cleanse and minimize pores and prep your skin for moisturizers and makeup to bring out your natural beauty.
- Made for sensitive skin. Their ingredients are shown to hydrate, nourish and soothe inflammation without any harsh ingredients.
- Perfect for acne, rosacea, dry, aging skin. Tone and tighten skin for a youthful, glowing complexion.
- Completely chemical free, non-toxic, perfume free, sulfate free and of course cruelty free.

Era Organics has put together a nighttime routine that will transform you skin. Start off by washing with their Tea Tree Cleanser to kill any acne-causing bacteria. Then, spritz your face with their brand new, Rose Water and Apple Cider Vinegar Toner to balance the skin's pH, moisturize and soothe inflammation. Follow it up with Vitamin C Cream to boost collagen production, moisturize and improve your skin's texture. Finish the routine with their enzyme-rich Eye Balm to fill in those fine lines and wrinkles. Buy With Confidence. ERA Organics know how hard it is to find natural skin care products that work, which is why they offer a “Love Your Skin Or Your Money Back” 60 day guarantee. As a family owned company with products made in the USA, they take customer satisfaction quite seriously.

Giveaway Details:
Prize pack:
- Organic Face Toner (Save $6 at Amazon)
- Tea Tree Cleanser (Save 15% off at Amazon)
- Vitamin C Face Cream
- Organic Eye Cream (Save $5 at Amazon)
Hosted By: Saving You Dinero
Sponsored by: ERA Organics
Win Nighttime Routine Products From ERA OrganicsThursday, September 13, 2018
Hermione Light Painting Wand
WOW! Stuff has come out with a terrific line of Harry Potter toys. Have you seen the Harry Potter movies or read the books? I have seen all of the movies. I hope one day my little ones would enjoy it or even read the books.
Now we all know Harry could not have survived all those years without Hermione. She was the brains of the group. In my opinion, of course.
What is a great gift for a Harry Potter fan? A light painting wand. This is a neat toy that you can use with an app. I really like the design of the wand.
You really need to check out the other gifts they make as well.
Here is a video that better shows what this awesome toy does.
Head over to the WOW! Stuff website to see the other gifts. They have videos up of each amazing Harry Potter toy.
Discclosure *This wand was provided for the purpose of the review. All opinions are my own*
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Back to School Amazon Giveaway
It is back to school time. My kids are on day 3. Today they seemed to lose their steam a little. Did your kids go back to school?
I have one youngling who is almost 2 yrs old. I will stay at home with her. I have been a stay at home mom for almost 10 yrs now. I cannot believe it. I miss having some kind of job.
Here I am starting on a new adventure. Piphany is a women's clothing brand. You can buy the clothes through fb groups. The prices seem really reasonable. The styles are great. You can wear these clothes to work or even casual every day wear.
Let's start off with a giveaway. Fill at the rafflecopter form for entries. Open for 18+, US only.
If you are the winner you have 24 hrs to email me back.
One winner will get a 25 Amazon GC. The great thing about Amazon is you will get your prize through email and can spend it right away.
Prize: $25 Amazon GC
Entries: you can choose one entry or more. It is up to you.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Thank you for entering my giveaway and stopping by the blog.
*update Congrats to the winner Mihaela*
Sunday, August 19, 2018
Cricut Explore Air 2 Review
I am so excited to play around with my new Cricut Explore Air 2. The Cricut machine cuts paper, card stock, leather, and vinyl. Looking through all the projects is so much fun. The possibilities are endless.
This is where you can change your blade or put a marker. The Cricut can draw and write for you. You can get a deeper cutting blade also. The blade depends on what you are going to cut. For now I will be cutting card stock and vinyl. I am a beginner with this machine.
I have already learned that I need to pay attention to loading it right. Always pick the correct settings too. There is much to learn in the design space as well.
I already know I want to try and make some holiday banners. Eventually work my way up to a leather bracelet.
For now I will play around with simple cuts. Here is my first heart cut out. It is amazing how fast this machine works. I am so impressed. This takes crafting to a whole new level.
I have only used it a few times but know that I love it. I think it was money well spent.
Check out the Cricut website for yourself. There is an even better machine called the Cricut Maker. If I master this machine maybe I will get that one next.
Do you like to make things? What is your favorite craft?
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Softer Than Brittle Snack Review

Softer Than Brittle is a great snack to bring with you this summer. Do you have a long car ride? Are you going to the beach or park? Throw a few of these in your bag and go. I love that they are gluten free, dairy free, and safe for vegans. They are a healthy alternative when it comes to snacking in our household. They are also safer on the teeth. It isn't like regular brittle where it hurts to bite on. This brittle really is soft and flaky.
They are bite size which is nice for the kids. Softer Than Brittle comes in different nut types. My favorite is the cashew one. It is made with 6 to 7 ingredients and comes from a family recipe.
I am so happy we tried this delicious treat.
You can find Softer Than Brittle on Amazon.
Monday, July 23, 2018
Smooshy Mushy Squishies
We love squishies. Smooshy Mushy makes so many cute squishies. These are really tiny ones. You can use them as keychains if you want. Sometimes they even smell nice.
Check out my YouTube channel. We play with squishies, video games, and more.
Barefoot and Loving It.
Rainy Day Playtime with Goliath Games
It may be summer time but it still can rain. What do you do with the kids on rainy days? Board games are a great way to entertain them. Goliath Games make so many fun board games for all ages.
Build or Boom is really fun. I enjoyed playing with my daughter. If you aren't fast enough, another player can blow up your work. This can get really challenging.
Let's Go Fishing' is super cute for the little ones in the family. My almost 2 year old was ready to play and my 6 year old. They had fun playing together.
Giggle Wiggle needs batteries. He moves around. This game will bring lots of laughs. It is great for the little kids and even us old adults.
Rainy days do not have to be so boring. Grab a few games and keep them in the closet. They are great for family game night and playdates.
Goliath Games sent us these games for review purposes. All opinions are my own.
Friday, July 20, 2018
Toys Galore At SweetSuite18
This year at SweetSuite18 was held at Chelsea Piers. It is really beautiful there during the summer. Inside you could find the coolest balloon maze ever. I loved this palm tree made of balloons. So creative and fun.
Every year at SweetSuite you can find the greatest toy brands in the industry. This year they opened it up to the kids too. I think next year I will bring my older two kids. We certainly buy a lot of toys in our household.
My daughter loves JoJo everything right now. I thought this outfit looked pretty cool. JoJo clothing line is coming to a Target near you. Our family shops at Target nearly every week. Look at that skirt. So much sparkle!
Both my son and daughter really like Pokemon. My son has a crazy collection of Pokemon EX and GX cards. These figures are super cute. Pokemon is one of the shows I can tolerate on repeat. There are battle figures and cute plushies.
Fingerlings are very popular right now. We have a monkey and a unicorn at home. I love these tiny ones that you can put on a pencil or hang from anywhere.
This year Moose Toys are bringing you these fun figures. They come inside a tin which has hard sand. You fizz it away and dig into it. The figures are neat and could be for boys and girls. My 9 year old son can't wait to get his hands on more.
I must say, overall it was a great experience. This was my 3rd year going to SweetSuite and I loved it.
You even get a swag box full of toys shipped to your house. How amazing is that? If you are a blogger, influencer, and/ or YouTuber you can go. Many people book hotel rooms if they are from out of town. You can get discounted room rates for your trip. I took the LIRR train in.
Sunday, May 27, 2018
Healthy Kids Meals With Yumble
Being a parent to multiple kids gets hectic. Lunches and snacks need to be packed. We want them to eat healthy but also quick prepare time. Yumble subscription makes it easier on us. They have many different meal options. All of them are healthy. I really like the ones that you don't even have to cook.
You open up the sleeve. There will be directions on how to prepare your kids meal. Some will tell you a cook time. Others say no cooking. I found that these meals worked well with my two daughters. My youngest who will be 2 in September, loves to eat most foods. My 5 year old likes mac n cheese. So the Yes Please Mac n Cheese was her favorite.
I found myself sharing Munch a Lunch with my youngest. These are fun for snacking too. Some kids do not eat huge meals every sitting. I find these to be good portions.
Do you need a healthy and stress free food option to feed your little ones? I would recommend trying Yumble out.
Find Yumble on Social Media
Follow them on Instagram
Like them on Facebook
Wednesday, May 23, 2018
Evgie $150 Giveaway
This information is brought to you by Evgie Wall Decals. All opinions are my own. Blogger is not responsible for fulfilling the prize.

Recently we have moved into a new home. This is our first home. My two daughters will be sharing a room. I think it will be cute to find wall decals for them. My middle child, is 5 yrs old and will love decorating her room.
If you have been thinking about decorating a room or a baby's nursery, your first stop should be Evgie Wall Decals! They have amazing illustration in all prices ranges. Their sets include educational and adventurous sets. Below are a few of our favorites and it is just a fraction of what is available in their shop: space themes, animals themes, nursery and babies... basically whatever you like, you will find bright, attractive illustrations and designs.

Space Cowboys with Rangers and Aliens Wall Stickers
In this exclusive Aliens and Cowboys wall decals set, you will find a mix of fantasy with reality. It has a fascinating feeling of joy, adventure, and play, while motivating you little children to develop empathy and curiosity. Who are those Cowboys of another universe where Aliens are racing through the sky? How come they are crossing with each other in a recognizable earth-like landscape? It will help your child's imagination keep developing and creating a world of tales and journeys.Animal Map Wall Decals
This map is an educational, fun and entertaining map that helps introduce your kids to a world map, animals, moving objects like a submarine, planes, ships, landmarks and geographical signs like mountains, tropical islands with palms and continents. It's a fun way to develop their imagination, joy, and a feeling of adventure while resembling nature with bright eye-catching and educational illustrations. The continents names can be added for free. You can even replace/add animals from their collections. Just send them a customization request!Ocean Friends Wall Decals
These wall decals include awesome Sea Creatures with Submarine Monkeys, Cats Scuba Divers, and Sunken Pirate Ship! Underwater World with Ocean Friends and Sea Life Wall Decals features NEW item. Elements come separately and can be arranged any way you'd like.Arctic and Antarctic Animals and Polar Friends
Polar Friends is a new amazing addition to our collection of Children Wall Decals for nursery illustrating penguins having fun and a polar mama bear with a cub and two famous whales, on the background of an ocean with icebergs and mountains.Adorable Teddy Bears Wall Decals and Baby Nursery Wall Stickers
The cutest Teddies in the World. They are not just plush toys sitting quietly; they are trendy and curious animals doing all kinds of tricks enlightening your nursery room: climbing a tree, flying on a balloon, resting up high on a branch, playing hide and seek. Teddy Bears wall decals became a huge hit right from the start, and they are proud of many positive feedback from around the earth and happy customers who purchased it, this is one of the easiest to install and always results in a stylish nursery.
Baby Nursery Wall Decals - Charming King of the Jungle
Are you expecting a baby and you will be decorating a nursery? Surround your baby with roaring safari lions and monkeys playing tricks all around in the rainforest trees. Evgie nursery wall decals from the Jungle Safari collection has been crafted especially to brighten the playroom, and animate jungle themed nursery with recognizable characters such as The Lion King or Tarzan. You decide who your hero is!
About EvgieNev Wall Decals:
- Their decals get great feedback from their customers. And their customers come back and buy again!
It is easy to remove the wall decals and redecorate at a later time
- Find hundreds of animals, themes, landscapes and more coming from books, historical facts, and well-recognized charters
Giveaway Details:
- Enter to win a $150 credit to EvgieNev Wall Decals.
- It is open Worldwide (but if you live outside of the US or Canada you will pay the difference in shipping. You can also pay the difference of a decal if you find more than $150 worth of products you want to buy.)
- This giveaway ends on June 14 1159pm EST.
Enter below:
Evgie June 2018 $150 GiveawaySunday, May 20, 2018
Family Game Night With Goliath Games
When I was a little girl my family and I did game night on the weekend. It was fun. My dad usually won playing Monopoly. I think board games are a great way to bring the family together no matter what age we are. My 3 kids are at different game stages. My youngest is a toddler almost ready to play Lucky Ducks Game. My 5 year old who will be turning 6 very soon loves this game too.
Each duck has a symbol on the bottom. You need to find your symbol. It is helpful for kids learning shapes and colors.
Mr. Bucket was a great game for my girls also. He moves around and the balls pop out. You need to put your color balls inside. It is a really cute game.
Out of every game they tried all 3 of the kids loved Pop the Pig. I think this is a super fun game that everyone can enjoy. It is such a clever concept. Feed the pig. Watch his belly grow. Even my son who is 9 loved this game. This is also good with teaching numbers. There is a number on the bottom of the burgers. This number tells you how many times you need to press on the pigs head.
I'm not going to lie, we are a tech family that loves video games. I think it is important to step back from the technology and play board games. There are so many amazing games out there. Set a night each week to play with your family.
Goliath Games has a large variety of fun games to play with family and friends.
Follow them on Twitter
Like them on Facebook
Do you play board games with your family? What do you like to play?
Wednesday, May 16, 2018
Spring Jewelry Giveaway
Welcome to the spring time giveaway. I realized I haven't had a giveaway on my blog in a while.
The prize is one bracelet and 2 charms. The brand is KEEP Collective.
The bracelet. It is a double leather band mint and steel gray. Retail value is $39.
The charms. One charm is sterling silver Blessed and has a retail value of $15. Another charm is an arrow. It is a Pave arrow in hematite. Retail value is $19.
Entering the giveaway is easy. Follow the rafflecopter form.
Open for United States, 18 and over.
Thank you for dropping by the blog.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Monday, May 14, 2018
Singing Machine Wise Ol Owl Calculator
The Singing Machine Wise Ol' Owl Blackboard calculator is a great learning tool for kids. I have a 9 yr old who is doing multiplication and a 5 year old who is learning addition. This is adorable and helpful at the same time. It also can speak in 3 languages. This calculator can be helpful for homework. I know sometimes I have a hard time helping my son with his math. Math these days are a little different from the ways I was taught.
You can find Wise Ol' Owl calculator on Amazon for purchase.
Basic Functions:
-sounds when buttons are touched
-auto shut off
-large LCD display for easy viewing
-colorful rubber keys
-Language function english, spanish, or French
Do you have any little ones who love to learn? I think this is a great learning tool.
Wednesday, February 21, 2018
Rainy Day Activities With Colorfoldz
Is it a rainy day and you have 3 kids stuck inside? Well I don't know about you but it can get pretty chaotic inside with 3 little ones. Most everyone loves to color. So grab a few Colorfoldz stencils and use your favorite markers or crayons.
Colorfoldz make a unique stencil that folds out. It gives you steps to make a really cute picture. They have stencils for everyone. Dinosaurs and princesses are pretty popular in our household.
I think this is also a great idea for a long car ride too. Or even a plane ride.
They come in 3 folds and 5 folds.
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colorfoldz |
There is paper in the middle section. If you run out of paper you can always add more of your own.
Colorfoldz make great gifts for birthdays and holidays.
Do you like to color?
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